Due to globalisation and climate change, the intellectual and technological challenges of our time are in a constant state of flux. We see this upheaval as an opportunity. That is why we are enthusiastically looking for forward-looking, sustainable innovations with the aim of recognising their potential as early as possible, promoting them professionally and contributing to meeting the demands of the 21st century worldwide.
Standing still is not an option. We find intellectual property with a future for the future.
Humans are exposed to a high risk of infection: life-threatening, multi-resistant germs lurk everywhere. Especially due to globalisation and increasing air traffic, the danger is spreading. Not only since Covid 19.
One of the most important steps in preventing infections is a hygienic environment. This is currently achieved through regular daily disinfection, sterilisation and protocol procedures. However, the resulting outcome is not permanent. It is therefore much more important to achieve a long-lasting effect after the application of a disinfectant!

With our UCAR Health GmbH, we have achieved a significant breakthrough in cooperation with a twenty-member research team led by Dilek Ucar and Prof. Dr. Metin Turan: We were able to produce a reliable, easy-to-use disinfectant in the form of a ready-to-use polymeric ionic solution. With a very broad biocidal spectrum of activity for large-scale three-dimensional, industrial and commercial use. A disinfectant that is non-toxic and long-lasting against multi-resistant germs, harmful bacteria, fungi, spores, mycobacteria and viruses.
- Antibacterial
- Antifugal
- Antiviral
- Economic
- Environmentally friendly
Always one step ahead with innovation and research.
Our mission is a healthy environment for a better life without harming the environment.
Zero Waste: The climate-neutral alternative

Waste is now a global and permanent threat to our environment, our lives and our economies. The ever-growing population, accelerated urbanisation, continued industrial growth and increasing consumption are leading to more waste. Conventional disposal solutions are expensive, unproductive and risky for both health and the environment. They are therefore increasingly rejected by the public.
Our dedicated team of experts has worked for over 15 years to develop ZeroWaste’s pioneering technology. Five different value-added products and applications have been successfully developed using our chemical engineering processes. Three plants have already been built and are in operation in Singapore, England and Australia. Others are in the planning stage.
We recycle sensibly with Ecocycling and turn waste into raw materials
With the climate-neutral alternative of eco-recycling, we are addressing the problems caused by conventional disposal solutions:
- We process without emissions and can thus massively reduce CO2 emissions from the incineration of municipal waste.
- We create revenue by not wasting the waste, but creating products from it that have real value.
- We create new, usable land, because our soil product also revitalises desolate land.
- We aim for a negative carbon value: for every m2 of arid land reclaimed, CO2 can be stored by the new vegetation.
Ecological benefits combined with economic dynamism.
IHPS – Innovative Hydro Power Storage
One of the central challenges of the coming decades is the implementation of the energy transition. In order to achieve a sustainable energy supply, the expansion of renewable energies is progressing continuously. However, clean, renewable energy is generated by natural forces that do not exist on order. If there is not enough or too much wind and sun, significant energy surpluses or bottlenecks can occur. In order to still be able to guarantee a reliable energy supply, the energy must be stored to enable controlled release when needed.
Up to now, large amounts of electrical energy have mainly been stored in pumped storage plants. However, this technology has reached its limits:
- massive intervention in nature,
- long distances,
- special geographical conditions,
- long distances from the producer to the consumers,
- considerable minimum size as a prerequisite for economic efficiency.
The IHPS is efficient, flexible and sustainable. Its novel technology improves energy supply and reduces technical complications. Unlike a pumped storage power plant, the Hydrodynamic Storage:
- geographically completely independent,
- can be set up practically anywhere,
- has a higher efficiency,
- is much more compact with a minimum size of two MWh.

The IHPS is much more durable and sustainable than a battery storage system. It requires only a fraction of the CO2 emissions needed to manufacture a battery storage system. Moreover, the hydrodynamic storage system can be reused up to 96 percent.
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